Uncontrolled Comptroller: 53M/20 Years

One year for each 2.5 million the esteemed Dixon, IL comptroller stole from the city. Wonder if anyone who doesn’t get sentencing guidelines now thinks stealing 200K is only worth a month in jail.  Seriously, the real moral is that no one handling finances should ever be spared serious, regular audits and heathy oversight skepticism.    http://www.suntimes.com/news/18227927-418/ex-dixon-comptroller-gets-19-12-years-in-prison-in-53-million-theft.html

Philly Ticket Fixing Breaks

This report, commissioned by the Chief Justice of Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court, set the stage for recent indictments of Philadelphia Traffic Court judges.  The Chief Justice, however, will no longer be commissioning traffic court reports.  His fellow justices assigned his oversight role to another judge in part, some suspect, because the report un-collegially cited the “consideration” shown a fellow Justice’s wife by Traffic Court functionaries. http://articles.philly.com/2012-11-22/news/35258842_1_traffic-court-judge-willie-singletary-judge-robert-mulgrew 

Failure to Evaluate

Kids in urban public school systems fall behind in alarming numbers and are handicapped for a lifetime as a result.  All involved are happy to say “the system” failed.  The majority who work in “the system” (in other words, teachers) easily find fault with management and the disadvantages students suffer at home.  But apparently what teachers’ unions see as the real threat to education today are meaningful measures that distinguish good teachers from bad.  http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/18/nyregion/new-york-city-talks-on-teacher-evaluations.html?smid=pl-share  Update: State gets involved. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/31/nyregion/gov-andrew-m-cuomo-issues-ultimatum-in-teacher-evaluation-fight.html?smid=pl-share