Local Fiscal Dike Springs More Leaks

First Vallejo, now Stockton as California municipalities join sister jurisdictions in the South and New England in the bankruptcy club.  True trickle down at work here: Once anti-tax zealots gained a stranglehold over federal and state legislatures, the aid spigot for local services such as public safety and education was shut down.  And the folks who live in cities such as Stockton don’t have the werewithal to fully fund their schools, cops or firefighters.  “It’s on them” say the anti-tax ayatollahs, as if educating kids serves only the locality or crime never spills over to the next town. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/28/us/stockton-california-heads-for-bankruptcy-court.html?smid=pl-share

The Road to Resurrection

Though this story is about yet another government operation in Pennsylvania that rose from the dead after an elected leader was shown the door, most jurisdictions in the state continue to elect leaders for basic business functions that need professional management but instead get political operatives who can pay little attention to how effectively things run.    New team brings Clerk of Court’s office into the 21st century.

Council Person Pleads, Ho-Hum

This New York City councilman was somewhat of a court regular, first with charges involving domestic violence–he got probation–then with this scheme where a local non-profit helped finance his failed state senate run using funds directed the agency’s way by said councilperson. The common denominator between the latest case and others on this site is the structural vulnerability of community organizations that become co-dependent with corrupt politicians who founded, or funded or used their political cachet to the agencies benefit.  http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/05/nyregion/monserrate-pleads-guilty-to-misusing-city-council-funds.html?smid=pl-share

Aceing the Test

The methodology employed by the Atlanta Journal Consitution to identify schools that manipulate test scores may be going on the road.  Principals beware!  If you teach political science or public administration, or even plain old statistics, this case is well-suited for showing that statistical analysis is a real public policy and management tool, not just disembodied math stuff students are forced to learn.  http://www.ajc.com/news/cheating-our-children-ajcs-1398178.html